2025 Community Support up to $5,000

This is a preview of the 2025 Community Support Grant up to $5,000 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Grant Information

* indicates a required field.

Community Support Grant up to $5,000

Funding for projects that build the capacity and wellbeing of the Shire of Harvey community.

Funding of up to $5,000 is available for initiatives or events that meet the funding guidelines and at least one of the following objectives:

  • Contribute to capacity of community groups and organisations.
  • Contribute to life-long learning.
  • Celebrate and encourage cultural diversity and social inclusion.
  • Contribute to capacity and support wellbeing of young people.
  • Enhance community identity and sense of belonging.
  • Promote an active and healthy lifestyle.
  • Grow and develop age-friendly community.
  • Facilitate the emotional and social development of children.
  • Contribute to the Shire's ongoing aspiration to become the most accessible and inclusive community in regional Western Australia.
  • Encourage conservation and appreciation of our natural resources.
  • Contribute to community resilience.


Applicants MUST contribute at least 50% of the total project cost from either the applicant's organisation, other sources of funding or in-kind support.

Prior to submission it is ESSENTIAL that the community group or organisation discuss the proposed project with the Shire and that any building plans are developed in consultation with relevant Shire Officers.

Applicants are required to obtain all appropriate permits, consents or approvals, including but not limited to those required by the Shire's planning, building, health and/or recreation departments.

Provision of feasibility study and an asset management plan is a further requirement of this grant.

Click here to view the Guidelines on the Shire of Harvey website.

Applications or changes to submitted applications will not be accepted after 4.30pm, Friday 04 April 2025.

Discuss your project with the Grants Officer

To be eligible for funding, you MUST discuss your project with the Shire of Harvey Grants Officer prior to submitting an application to ensure your project aligns with key priority areas and fits within grant guidelines.

Personalised project discussion sessions are held in Australind and Harvey, and can be booked by clicking the following link.

Click here to book a Project Discussion

Should an alternate date be required please email the Grants Officer grants@harvey.wa.gov.au

Have you read the 2025 Shire of Harvey Community Grant Program Guidelines * Required
Must be a date. 
Must be a number. A number will be supplied by the Grants Officer at the Project Discussion. Do not construe discussions as an approval of this grant.
I understand this project will not commence until following the adoption of the Shire's Annual Budget, when all applicants will be notified in writing by the Grants Officer of the outcome of their application. * Required
How did you hear about this fund * Required
Response required.